# Archives aliases

The archives.aliases.sh file creates helpful shortcut aliases for archiving files and directories. The aliases are able to create and handle archives in a variety of formats.

# 7-Zip

7-Zip (opens new window) is a file archiver with a high compression ratio.

Alias Command Description
c7z 7z a Compress a whole directory (including subdirectories) to a 7z file.
e7z 7z x Extract a whole directory (including subdirectories) from a 7z file.

# Bzip2

Bzip2 (opens new window) is a freely available, patent free, high-quality data compressor.

Alias Command Description
cbz2 bzip2 Compress a file to a bz2 file.
ebz2 bunzip2 Extract a file from a bz2 file.

# Gzip

Gzip (opens new window) is a popular data compression program as a replacement for compress.

Alias Command Description
cgz gzip Compress a file to a gz file.
egz gunzip Extract a file from a gz file.

# Jar

Jar (opens new window) is a file format used to aggregate many files into one file to distribute application software or libraries on the Java platform.

Alias Command Description
cjar jar -cvf Compress a whole directory (including subdirectories) to a jar file.
ejar jar -xvf Extract a whole directory (including subdirectories) from a jar file.

# Tar

Tar (opens new window) is a computer program used to store many files together in a single file.

Alias Command Description
ctar tar -cvf Compress a whole directory (including subdirectories) to a tar file.
etar tar -xvf Extract a whole directory (including subdirectories) from a tar file.
ctgz tar -cvzf Compress a whole directory (including subdirectories) to a tar.gz file.
etgz tar -xvzf Extract a whole directory (including subdirectories) from a tar.gz file.

# Xz

Xz (opens new window) is a general-purpose data compression software with a high compression ratio.

Alias Command Description
cxz xz -zcvf Compress a whole directory (including subdirectories) to a xz file.
exz xz -zxvf Extract a whole directory (including subdirectories) from a xz file.

# Zip

Zip (opens new window) is a file format used to output a single file containing one or more files.

Alias Command Description
cz zip -r Compress a whole directory (including subdirectories) to a zip file.
ez unzip Extract a whole directory (including subdirectories) from a zip file.

# Zstd

Zstd (opens new window) is a fast lossless compression algorithm, targeting real-time compression scenarios at zlib-level and better compression ratios.

Alias Command Description
czstd zstd -zcvf Compress a whole directory (including subdirectories) to a zst file.
ezstd zstd -zxvf Extract a whole directory (including subdirectories) from a zst file.