# PNpm aliases

This pnpm.aliases.zsh file creates helpful shortcut aliases for many commonly used PNpm (opens new window) commands.

The PNpm aliases are a collection of aliases that allow you to interact with the pnpm command line tool. Pnpm is a fast, disk space efficient package manager.

# PNpm

PNpm (opens new window) is a package manager for JavaScript and Node.js. It is fast, disk space efficient, and reliable.

Alias Command Description
pna pnpm add Add a package to the project
pnad pnpm add --save-dev Add a package to the project as a development dependency
pnap pnpm add --save-peer Add a package to the project as a peer dependency
pnau pnpm audit Audit the project for vulnerabilities
pnb pnpm run build Build the project
pnc pnpm create Create a new project
pnd pnpm run dev Run the project in development mode
pndoc pnpm run doc Generate documentation for the project
pnga pnpm add --global Add a package to the global store
pngls pnpm list --global List packages in the global store
pngrm pnpm remove --global Remove a package from the global store
pngu pnpm update --global Update a package in the global store
pnh pnpm help Show help for a command
pni pnpm init Initialize a new project
pnin pnpm install Install the project's dependencies
pnln pnpm run lint Runs pnpm run lint
pnls pnpm list List packages in the project
pnout pnpm outdated Check for outdated packages
pnp pnpm Run a PNpm command
pnpub pnpm publish Publish the project
pnrm pnpm remove Remove a package from the project
pnrun pnpm run Run a script in the project
pns pnpm run serve Run the project in production mode
pnst pnpm start Start the project
pnsv pnpm server Start the project's development server
pnt pnpm test Run the project's tests
pntc pnpm test --coverage Run the project's tests with coverage
pnui pnpm update --interactive Update packages interactively
pnuil pnpm update --interactive --latest Update packages interactively to the latest version
pnun pnpm uninstall Remove a package from the project
pnup pnpm update Update packages in the project
pnwhy pnpm why Show why a package is installed
pnx pnpx Run a PNpx command