# Clear aliases

The clear.aliases.sh file creates helpful shortcut aliases for clearing the terminal screen. The aliases are able to clear the screen in a variety of ways.

# Clear

Clear (opens new window) is a command that clears the terminal screen.

Alias Command Description
c clear Clear the terminal screen.
cl c Clear the terminal screen.
clc clear && cat Clear the terminal screen and print the contents of the current directory.
clcat clc Clear the terminal screen and print the contents of the current directory.
clh clear && history Clear the terminal screen and print the command history.
clhist clh Clear the terminal screen and print the command history.
clp clear && pwd Clear the terminal screen and print the current working directory.
clpwd clp Clear the terminal screen and print the current working directory.
clr c Clear the terminal screen.
cls c Clear the terminal screen.
clt clear && tree Clear the terminal screen and print the directory tree.
cltree clt Clear the terminal screen and print the directory tree.
ct clear && tree ./ Clear the terminal screen and print the directory tree.
ctree ct Clear the terminal screen and print the directory tree.
cpl clear && pwd && echo '' && ls -a && echo '' Clear the terminal screen and print the current working directory and the contents of the current directory.
cplt clear && pwd && echo '' && tree ./ && echo '' Clear the terminal screen and print the current working directory and the directory tree.