# Update aliases

The update.aliases.sh file creates helpful shortcut aliases for updating the operating system and software.

The updates help secure and enhance the current Dotfiles installation to protect against security vulnerabilities, add new features and fix critical bugs.

# Update

For greater control, the update process is combined into a single command that will:

  1. Update the operating system and software packages,
  2. Update to the latest version of Dotfiles.
  3. This will also update the update.aliases.sh file, so you will always have the latest version of the updater.

# Platforms

# Linux

The upd alias has been adapted to work on Linux. It will update Debian-based Linux distributions, via the apt package manager and other dependencies via pnpm, rustup (Rust), and gem (Ruby).

Alias Command Description
upd sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && pnpm up && rustup update stable && sudo gem update && sudo gem cleanup Update command for Debian-based Linux operating systems.

# macOS

The upd alias is also available for macOS. It will update macOS, via the softwareupdate command line tool, and manage its dependencies using pnpm, Homebrew, mas, rustup, and gem package managers.

Alias Command Description
upd sudo softwareupdate -i -a && pnpm up && rustup update stable && brew cu -ayi && brew doctor && brew update && brew upgrade && brew cleanup && mas upgrade && sudo gem update && sudo gem cleanup Update the system.