# Change Directory aliases

The cd.aliases.sh file creates helpful shortcut aliases for navigating the terminal.

The Change Directory aliases are a collection of aliases that allow you to interact with the cd command line tool. Cd is a tool which changes the current directory.

The cd command, also known as chdir (change directory), is a command-line shell command used to change the current working directory in various operating systems.

Alias Command Description
- cd - Shortcut to go to previous directory.
.. cd .. Shortcut to go to parent directory.
... cd ../.. Shortcut to go to grandparent directory.
.... cd ../../.. Shortcut to go to great-grandparent directory.
..... cd ../../../.. Shortcut to go to great-great-grandparent directory.
~ cd ~ Shortcut to go to home directory.
app cd ${HOME}/Applications; ls Shortcut to go to the Applications directory.
cod cd ${HOME}/Code; ls Shortcut to go to the Code directory and list its contents.
des cd ${HOME}/Desktop; ls Shortcut to go to the Desktop directory and list its contents.
doc cd ${HOME}/Documents; ls Shortcut to go to the Documents directory and list its contents.
dot cd ${HOME}/.dotfiles; ls Shortcut to go to the dotfiles directory.
dow cd ${HOME}/Downloads; ls Shortcut to go to the Downloads directory and list its contents.
hom cd ${HOME}/; ls Shortcut to go to home directory and list its contents.
mus cd ${HOME}/Music; ls Shortcut to go to the Music directory and list its contents.
pic cd ${HOME}/Pictures; ls Shortcut to go to the Pictures directory and list its contents.
vid cd ${HOME}/Videos; ls Shortcut to go to the Videos directory and list its contents.